The New NFL Anthem Protest Policy, Sterling Brown vs. Milwaukee Police, and Racial Inequality

As if we needed any further examples, a series of disjoint but related events this week reminded us of the rot of the NFL and the perils of being black.

Howard Chai
6 min readMay 28, 2018
(Image via: NBC Sports)

I am a lifelong NBA fan. And because the NBA is generally ahead of the curve when it comes to social issues, it’s astounding for me to see the NFL continuously mishandle situations related to social issues and shoot itself in the foot.

Ever since Colin Kaepernick first took a knee during the national anthem in 2016, the NFL has responded to the protest and it’s evolution(s) several times, and each time, they have provided nothing but empty words and transparent actions. First it was NFL owners subtly-but-not-really-that-subtly exiling Kaepernick, then there was the empty show of “unity”, and now a new policy that subtly-but-not-really-that-subtly silences players. The new policy:



Howard Chai

I strive towards a career that ends up leaving me somewhere between Howard Beck and Howard Beale.